Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We took so many pictures of art I couldn't possibly post all of them.
Above - some wierd Dali sculpture. Below - eating ice cream in the artist district.

Hannah at the modern art museum. Pompidou
Skulls at the Catacombs.
View from Versailles.
The only way to travel in Paris.
Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
Les Invalides

The people were COVERED in pigeons.
Impressive mirror inside Notre Dame
Me and some strange lady at the Louvre.
Nike aka Winged Victory (my favorite sculpture at the Louvre)
As if to say, "What! Only a dollar tip!?!?" Reminded me of a disgruntled diner waitress.
Hannah on top of the Eiffel Tower.
Small car.
Louis Vuitton, where I bought Hannah all her new clothes. hehe
Hannah in front of the tower.
Me kissing my new wife. : )

1 comment:

Jessica Miller said...

I love Paris...and the winged nike too! :) Love the pics...thanks for sharing! :)